The Bridge to Love

By Lee Colgin

This book was provided to me for free by IndoGo Marketing in exchange for an honest review.

One day the wolf shifter Tobias (Tobi) wants to deliver a message to another village. Therefore he has to cross a bridge, which he actually had crossed several times already. But this time the bridge is guarded by a troll called Arlo who of course wants to have some tribute for letting Tobi pass. Since Tobi hadn’t known that the bridge has its own guard now, he didn’t bring any tribute, but promises Arlo to get him something on the way back. And since Tobi is trustworthy he really does. That’s when the friendship between the troll Arlo and the wolf shifter starts – the friendship that soon becomes love. But does the other feel the same way and could a relationship between a wolf-shifter who mates for lifetime and a troll who must never leave a bridge he guards really work?

The Bridge to Love is a totally cute short Christmas-love story without any angst. 

Arlo is a kindhearted troll who doesn’t like being alone (as trolls normally do) and loves having Tobi around. He’d like to have a big family, too.

Tobi is a super cute wolf shifter with a golden heart. You get the feeling that he’d do everything for the one who’ll become his mate.

I really loved this book. It totally got me into my ‘Christmas mood’.


Elena Leman

This book was provided to me for free by the author in exchange for an honest review. 

When I got the e-mail from the book’s author, saying that she’d have the feeling that I could enjoy her book I was kind of dubious about it. Could someone really know my taste in books just because of reading through my reviews? Yes, obviously she could. This book totally hit me. Although I had some difficulties at the beginning finding into the story. The main problem was that I somehow couldn’t imagine the surroundings and the looks of the characters, but after the third chapter the story totally had me and I could see everything right in front of me. 

Sweet little Orobella is a crystal collector aka Crystellian, who travels from planet to planet to collect different crystals. Crystals are collected through sharing with another being – of course the opponent doesn’t know about the crystal sharing since he or she doesn’t see them. But he or she feels the joy of sharing. Since this is Orobella’s main gift, she gets what the other has to offer – mostly good feelings like hope or passion.

One important thing for Orobella is to never change crystals more than once with a person and to never get attached to anyone since her time on each planet is limited.

Arriving at a new planet is like being born. She never knows what or whose body she is into – the only thing that counts is that the body was free and available. 

This time Orobella arrives on the planet Instaar in the body of Ruskala – a water nymph. She starts her journey with her given companion Smoku – a lizard only she can see.

Soon she crosses path with Sambor, the leader of the Lasota tribe and a spiritual tattoo artist, whose tattoos turn into spiritual animals once he has finished his work on someone’s body. Somehow Orobella feels drawn to Sambor and asks him for a tattoo which he eventually agrees to. In exchange she promises teaching his babysitter how to sing and so the love story begins. 

Two beings that are used to going through life on their own – one of them because of the species she is, the other because things he had experienced through life had made him like that – meet each other and have to admit their feelings. 

Orobella is full of joy and goes through life light-hearted, has her own point of view, cares about others, wants ‘people’ (beings) to be happy and seems to be fearless. But so far bonding with someone or having a partner for life has been unimaginable for her due to her way of life to exchange as many crystals as possible and therefore changing locations and acquaintances a lot.

Sambor is a worrier and the leader of the Laosta tribe. He was born into a society that believes in the one and only sole mate for everyone. Sambor saw his father going crazy after his mother had left him. Therefore he promised himself to stay on his own.

Can two beings with such stories really find their way together?

I really loved the book and how Orobella and Sambor started to feel for each other – although Orobella tried to deny it for a long time – Maybe because she didn’t have any experience with the feeling ‘love’ before.

I also loved the side characters – especially Smoku, Orobella’s companion, and Sambor’s little sister ‘Child’ aka ‘Damdamin’.

Vampire Claus            


by Robert Winter

This story is the perfect short Christmas story about the best Christmas miracle or Christmas present ever – great love.

The whole story happens in one night – Christmas night of course.

We get to know the sexy vampire Claus whose good human side hasn’t been destroyed in all the years his demon-vampire has taken possession of his body. Actually, Claus even manages controlling his inner demon so far that most of the time he can stop drinking the blood of a human he is feasting on before he dies and lets him live. He just erases the memories of the vampire-bite. But nevertheless Claus is in a steady fight with this vampire housing in him.

So it’s a strange thing for Claus that when he meets Paul and comes really close to him his demon stays quiet all the time and lets him enjoy every second.

Paul is a real cute human being, kind of naïve and not afraid of anything. I just imagined him going through life with this huge puppy eyes, seeing the good in everyone and trying to turn the world into a better place. Claus falls for him and in just this one night Claus’ lonely eternity becomes a HEA.

Although the story is really short and just happening in one night you get to know both characters and their stories. And you totally believe the feelings they build up for each other. The story hasn’t many twists or turns; actually it’s quite straight forward. But it’s a real great read and you’ll get the spirit of Christmas again. I can just recommend this book to you as a real great five star Christmas-read.

A review ARC was generously provided by the author via IndiGo Marketing & Design



Reviewed by Marion,
This story is the perfect short Christmas story about the best Christmas miracle or Christmas present ever – great love.


The whole story happens in one night – Christmas night of course.


We get to know the sexy vampire Claus whose good human side hasn’t been destroyed in all the years his demon-vampire has taken possession of his body. Actually, Claus even manages controlling his inner demon so far that most of the time he can stop drinking the blood of a human he is feasting on before he dies and lets him live. He just erases the memories of the vampire-bite. But nevertheless Claus is in a steady fight with this vampire housing in him.


So it’s a strange thing for Claus that when he meets Paul and comes really close to him his demon stays quiet all the time and lets him enjoy every second.


Paul is a real cute human being, kind of naïve and not afraid of anything. I just imagined him going through life with this huge puppy eyes, seeing the good in everyone and trying to turn the world into a better place. Claus falls for him and in just this one night Claus’ lonely eternity becomes a HEA.


Although the story is really short and just happening in one night you get to know both characters and their stories. And you totally believe the feelings they build up for each other. The story hasn’t many twists or turns; actually it’s quite straight forward. But it’s a real great read and you’ll get the spirit of Christmas again. I can just recommend this book to you as a real great five star Christmas-read.


A review ARC was generously provided by the author via IndiGo Marketing & Design


My Boyfriend is a Dog

S A Smythe

This book was provided to me for free by the author in exchange for an honest review.

When I read the plot of the story, it sounded like an easygoing shifter story. And since I haven’t read a real shifter story so far (well except Twilight but I think you can’t count that as a real shifter story, can you?) I thought it could be a fun one to start with. And when I read the first page of the book where it is stated explicitly that it should be a funny to read shifter story and shouldn’t been taken too seriously I felt quite confirmed in my first opinion.

And the first part of the book was really good and funny to read. I actually had some good laughs. The book starts with the vegetarian Nathan being rescued from the woods by a dog err wolf who can talk. This fact actually freaks Nathan out. But since the dog insists on staying Nathan has to get used to the fact. But what he can’t quite get used to is that the dog always tells him that they are mates and belong together. Nathan tries to explain Angelo (the dog) that he isn’t into sodomy. But the dog still keeps insisting on being mates and interferes in all dates Nathan has. Finally, the town’s vet reveals the big secret to Nathan: Angelo is a shifter. Nathan gets angry with the dog for not having told him the truth and tells him to go away. That’s when Nathan finally comes closer to Jet on whom he has had a crush for a very long time. They go on a date, and end up making up in the woods where they are attacked by a wolf. Nathan first thinks that Angelo is the attacker and hits the dog but soon finds out that it is another wolf, a foreign one, and that Angelo is actually Jet who tries to defend him. Nathan saves Jet’s life and finds out that he is a shifter too. And if the book had ended here I would have given five stars or at least four. Because up to this point it was really a pleasure reading it. The only thing that disturbed me a little was Nathan’s obsessive search for a mate although he was actually in love with Jet. But that’s the only thing I could criticize.

But then the last part started and I thought I somehow had opened the wrong book. So, Nathan finds out that he is a shifter too. He is admitted in Jet’s pack, where Jet’s father is the Alpha. The first thing he has to do is eating meat. And well he enjoys it. This isn’t something I’d as a vegetarian would do but he states that he didn’t relinquish meat because of the animals but because he wanted to annoy his parents. So, I guess starting to eat meat again isn’t quite a problem under these circumstances. But this was just a small part that disturbed me. Mainly it was the punishment Jet got because of not telling Nathan the truth from the beginning. He has to watch Nathan making out with I don’t know how many shifters. And seriously??? That was kind of hard core porn. And although I don’t mind well written sex-scenes if they fit into a story I’m absolutely not into porn. So, I skipped this chapter. But it actually didn’t get much better in the next chapter. There were some funny sentences but most parts were just how they had sex…. I would definitely not read this last part again. Maybe the book should contain a warning that it contains some pornographic scenes (not just erotic ones).